Arctic Man Attacks Rich People With Red Paint

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By Andy T

Arctic man attacks with red paint

In an outlandish Icelandic escapade, a man who calls himself ‘bad temper’ has been caught drenching cars and houses belonging to the wealthy with buckets of red paint.

The targets have included a number of CEOs, as well as business tycoons Hannes Smarason and Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson.

Skap-Ofsi (bad temper), has purportedly made videos of the splashings, accompanied by the music of Sebastian Bach.

The events are said to have stemmed from socialist organisation ‘Icegroup Holding’, who are vehemently disconcerted over what they say are ‘national villains’ that were responsible for the economic crash of the country in 2008.

While Icegroup Holding and ‘bad temper’ are allegedly scouring the country for buckets of red paint, the Icelandic Outdoor Decorationist Society (IODS) are pleased with what they say is “positive community engagement”.